Think this through properly, as there are some options here:
- You stay with the girl and become a JW for life. Result: the rest of your life you'll be afraid of what other JW people think of your behaviour and choices. Just like you are now after holding hands (FFS!)
- You stay with the girl and become a JW, but after a while you see JW stuff is bullsh!t. Result: by that time you will have JW friends and family, and they will shun you. Your girl will hate you for leaving JW and you likely break up.
- You stay with the girl but you don't become a JW. Result: the rest of your life your girl will be afraid of what other JW people think of your behaviour and choices, and she'll be made to feel guilty for being with you. Fun!
- You don't become a JW and your girl dumps you for it. You'll be heartbroken for being dumped, but then you'll be OK.
- You don't become a JW and you walk away from the girl. You'll be heartbroken, but then you'll be ok.
- You both walk away from JW. Her friends and family will shun both of you. She will need your support, because it will be hard. But then you'll be OK.
Now, act like a man: decide which road you want to travel, and go for it. Don't say we didn't warn you....
Good luck!